Normally, cargo discharged from the vessel is accommodated at transit shed / transit area where vessel is berthed. However, if the transit shed / transit area is not sufficient, the Vessel Agents are permitted trucking of cargo to alternate location in the Docks.
(A) Steps : | ||
(i) | Vessel Agents make application for Trucking of cargo. | Application Form | Checklist (i) |
(ii) | Approval by Sectional Asst. Traffic Manager | |
(iii) | One copy of permission given to Shed Supt,Staff office for posting receiving Tally Clerks | |
(iv) | Second copy to Shed Supt., where the cargo is trucked down. | |
(v) |
Cargo trucked down to the location under receiving Tally. |
(i) | Approving Authority | Sectional Asstt. Traffic Manager |
(ii) | Processing Duration | Immediately on receipt of application from vessel agents |
(iii) | Application Scrutiny Levels | 1 level scrutiny for all applications |
Checklist (i) | |
(i) | Application as per format at Application Form by vessel agent |
(ii) | Posting of receiving Tally Clerk |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | |
(i) |
How and Where to apply ? Vessel Agents make application as per format at Application Form for trucking down of cargo at Sectional Asstt. Traffic Manager office furnishing details of Vessel and cargo to be handled |
(ii) |
How the submitted application is processed further? Section Asst. Traffic Manager permits trucking down of cargo as per availability of space. Vessel Agents handover copies of trucking permission to Shed Supdt., Staff Office and Shed Supdt. concerned where the cargo is to be handled. Shed Supdt., Staff office posts receiving Tally Clerks at designated locations. Shed Supdts. concerned at storage location permits storage of cargo as per instructions on the permission letter under proper tally. The receiving tally is maintained by Tally Clerk for the cargo received at storage location |